What I'm Reading - Braiding Sweetgrass

This month I'm reading Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer.

It is giving me hope for a better way forward as we move through this pandemic, and opening my eyes to the vast wisdoms Indigenous peoples have accrued through their relationship to the land since Time Immemorial.

It has also made me confront the grief that I feel in not having a closer relationship and knowledge with the plants, animals, and minerals

Here are the questions that this book is provoking in me:

  • How would our consumption, economies, and relationships be different if we were to see everything we take from the earth as a gift?

  • How do I (we) enter into right relations at this time, and how can I support Indigenous peoples to lead the way?

You can purchase a copy from Goodminds.com or hopefully access it through your local libary's online system.