New Webinar Alert! Welcome to our partnership with The Robertson Program

UPDATE: This Webinar has been postponed! Check this space for more details to come!

Since the Summer Dr. Restoule and I have put a pause on Kikinoo’amaadawin Webinar series - but we are back next week with a new offering focused on STEM.

For this four part series, we have partnered with The Robertson Program for Inquiry-based Teaching in Math and Science - OISE to bring you a series of four FREE webinars on STEM and Indigenous Education!

Our first webinar is January 20th at 7pm EST, featuring Marlo Beaucage and Nancy O'Donnell both members of Red Rock Indian Band. They will be speaking about Learning from Land.

The webinar will focus on how Indigenous land-based teachings, when carried out in collaboration with community Elders or Knowledge Keepers, can provide rich learning experiences for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. Educators in this session will be provided with ideas and connections in mathematics and science using Indigenous land-based experiences, all the while connecting to the current curriculum.

Check out the eventbrite page here to learn more and sign up for your free ticket!